Caprese Sandwich with Parsley Pesto

Well, hello there, almost June! It seems that the official summer month has creeped up on us so quickly, but guess who isn’t complaining! While it’s been literally summer weather all year here, it means being at the beach endlessly will be totally acceptable. It also means, I can post endless summer recipes!

The thing is, I need all the excuses I can get to leave the house. This broken leg (sorry if I misled some of you, it still hasn’t healed) has put me in quite a negative mood which can be quite addictive, and for that I have been looking forward to June for a while. I can’t go into the water at the beach, but just sitting by it helps so so much. I used to go to the beach all the time just to relax and perk up my mood, and I think it will be needed more than ever now.

I was also looking at my blog content and realised, you’d never be able to tell that I live on a tropical island. That actually, really needs to change! With the Mr.’s help, I plan to be creating a lot more tropical recipes so expect a lot more pineapple, watermelon, mangoes and the likes, and dare I say, actual Jamaican recipes! I had to laugh at myself because a friend asked me for a few Jamaican recipes from my blog, and I found all of three Jamaican recipes. Umm, what?! That needs to change! I’m not trying to be a copycat or just like any blog especially when I have something that sets me apart specifically!

So let me take you to the beginning of this beautiful summer month was a sandwich that may not be tropical or Jamaican, but is DEFINITELY bursting with colour and the flavours that I love to associate with summer. This sandwich came about from my obsession with parsley pesto + finding delicious mozzarella cheese, not the shredded version, but the whole ball of mozz cheese, which if you haven’t tried, you need to.

The flavour is so much better and a lot less salty from the packaged version! Combined with delicious homegrown tomatoes and parsley pesto and delicious french bread, you couldn’t have a simpler but delicious sandwich. I went on a binge and had this for lunch and dinner for quite a while, mainly in an attempt to have pesto at every single meal (haven’t thought of a breakfast version yet). I considered eating it cold but once I tasted the ingredients heated, decided that this was the way to go.
Shall I do the honours? Go ahead, make this sandwich, and dig in.

Caprese Sandwich with Parsley Pesto


  • 1 personal loaf French bread (gluten free if you're gluten free)
  • 1 medium tomato, sliced
  • 3 slices fresh ball mozzarella cheese, halved
  • 3 tablespoons Parsley Pesto
  • Slice loaf in half. Add mozzarella cheese slices and tomato slices along the bottom of the sandwich.
  • Spread the parsley pesto on the top of the sandwich. Press the sandwich closed. Toast in a panini machine on medium for about 5 minutes, until crispy and cheese is melted.
  • Remove, cut in half and enjoy!
Source Article : Click here

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