Cloud Jellies

Well, have I got a special treat for you! I don’t open my blog up to others without good reason, but today we have a guest post from Juliette Francois, nutritionist, mum, awesome lunchbox packer and all round cool person.
This is not a sponsored or paid post, but I’d love you to show her some love at My Hungry Caterpillar- Facebook . Oddly enough, Juliette and I met via a lunchbox Facebook group and hit off. So when I saw her posting about cloud jellies, I needed to know more.
If you’re looking for an extra healthy treat for the kids with wow factor, this is it. So without further rambling…here’s Juliette!
Treats can be healthy!  Especially when they are made with real gelatin and not that from the brightly coloured packets we see in our supermarkets.
I’m talking about jelly treats made with powdered real gelatin that doesn’t contain any sugar, colours, additives and preservatives.
Real gelatin has an increased nutrient profile that you just won’t find in the average run of the mill supermarket variety and by starting to include good quality gelatin in to your families daily diet, not only will you start to see a myriad of health benefits, your kids will love it too!
One of the main reasons gelatin, either in the form of bone broths and stews or in its powdered form is one of the most highly recommended additions to my clients diet is because our modern diet is greatly lacking in these nutrients, today we are mostly interested in muscle meats which lack the anti-inflammatory amino acids contained in gelatin.
Gelatin has long been known to be a curative for many illnesses, particularly cold’s and flu hence the reason our grandparents would always give chicken soup in times of sickness – it is incredibly immune boosting.
Gelatin has a number of other wonderful health benefits for children including:
  • It is fabulous for bone and joint health.
  • It is anti-inflammatory, improves immunity and assists with wound healing.
  • It improves digestion.
  • It is gut healing and hence has been seen to assist with the improvement of food allergies and intolerances.
  • It is detoxifying to the body by helping the liver to efficiently remove toxins from our body.
  • It assists the body to fully utilise the proteins that are taken in and hence is a wonderful way to add extra protein into your child’s diet.
  • It is calming to the brain, improves focus, memory and assists with stress reduction.
  • And for many parents, the most important of all;  gelatin can induce sleep as well as improvethe quality of sleep.
Now the health benefits don’t stop at children, gelatin is wonderful for the big kids too!  In addition to the above, gelatin assists with blood sugar regulation, inhibiting sugar cravings and boosting metabolism – fabulous news for those wanting to lose weight.
It also improves the strength and appearance of hair, skin, nails and teeth and additionally improves the elasticity of your skin.. what is there not to love?
Powdered gelatin can be used in many ways to make lovely healthy treats including little homemade gummies and marshmallows, custards and panna cotta desserts as well as these pureed fruit jellies which are a family favourite.
If you think these are awesome- you’ve got to try out our Blueberry cloud jelly cheesecake slice!

Cloud Jellies


  • 1.5 cups pureed fresh or frozen mango, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, banana, etc (note: themore acidic fruit do not work, ie kiwi or pineapple)
  • 2 tbs lime juice
  • Pinch sea salt
  • 2-3 tbs raw honey or maple syrup depending on taste
  • 4 tbs Great Lakes or Vital Proteins gelatin
  • 1 cup of plain full fat yoghurt
  • ¼ cup kombucha, filtered water or fresh juice (note: kombucha is great for extra probiotics. If using
  • juice you may want to reduce the honey/maple syrup)


  1. Puree fruit until smooth. At this point you can strain to remove any seeds (berries) if
  2. desired.
  3. Combine all ingredients in a small pot and sprinkle the gelatin across the top. Allow to sit
  4. for 5 or so minutes so that gelatin can start to absorb the liquid.
  5. Over a very low heat, slowly whisk to dissolve the gelatin.
  6. Once dissolved, pour mixture into a small tray or moulds to set in the fridge. If in tray, slice
  7. into squares and store in an airtight container in fridge.

Nutrition Information:





 2 squares
Source Article : Click here

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