Low Carb Strawberry Lemonade Mojitos

Refreshing and delicious, these low carb strawberry lemonade mojitos have been my go-to keto cocktail all summer long.  I’m just sorry that I didn’t get a chance to share them with you before now!
The good news is that you still have a few warm weekends ahead to enjoy them before the cooler weather kicks in – and honestly these are so tasty that you may want to drink them year round!
One of the things I love about these low carb strawberry lemonade mojitos is how pretty they are!  I’m not usually a girly-girl type, but it’s hard not to appreciate a pink cocktail garnished with bright green mint and beautiful red strawberries. 🍓 🌿 🍓 🌿 🍓
Speaking of the strawberries they are HARD to get here in Belize and it costs $10 for a one pound container!    #belizestruggles
I ponied up so I’d have them for the photos though, and we really enjoyed every one of them too!  I’m going to eat SO. MANY. strawberries when we’re in the U.S. in October – I don’t even care that they won’t be in season!
Also spaghetti squash, which they don’t have here either.  You guys have no idea how excited I am to shop in a “real” grocery store again!!!  😍 😍 😍

These refreshing and delicious low carb strawberry lemonade mojitos are perfect for your end of summer party!
 Another thing to love about these low carb strawberry lemonade mojitos is how easy they are to make!  I buy a sugar free strawberry lemonade mix and prepare it according to the package directions.  Then I add my white rum and mint.
Sometimes I’ll throw in a splash of soda water if I want it fizzy, which is about 50% of the time. If I know I’m going to add soda water I’ll make the strawberry lemonade a little stronger than the package directions so it isn’t too diluted – you can play around with it according to your preference!
These delicious and refreshing sugar free strawberry lemonade mojitos have been my go to keto cocktail all summer!
I did a little research to make sure you guys can get sugar free strawberry lemonade mix in the states, and I found a couple of brands.  Crystal Light has a new sugar free strawberry lemonade in liquid concentrate form that I found on Amazon, and you may be able to find it in stores near you.
Target’s Market Pantry line also has a sugar free strawberry lemonade in powdered form that should be easy for most of you to get.  There are likely others, but those two for sure I know are out there!
Now go get your sip on, and I hope you enjoy these sugar free mojitos as much as we do! 🙌 💕 🍹

Low Carb Strawberry Lemonade Mojitos


These easy and refreshing sugar free strawberry lemonade mojitos have been my go to keto cocktail all summer long!


  • 4 cups sugar free strawberry lemonade (prepared according to package directions)
  • 1 cup white rum
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint, torn and mashed a bit to release the flavor
  • optional strawberries to garnish


  1. Combine the prepared sugar free strawberry lemonade, rum, and mint in a large pitcher.
  2. Serve over ice and garnish with fresh strawberry slices if desired.
  3. Add a splash of soda water or seltzer if you like a bit of fizz.

Source Article : Click here

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