Gluten Free Fruit Pizza
It almost felt like spring over the weekend in New York. Nearly all of the snow from this long, long winter had melted and my kids could even play basketball outside for a while. Shrieks and screams that can drive me to near-madness when the children are inside are downright adorable when they’re outside. Good strawberries, the kind that are actually red inside and not a million dollars a pound, are even showing up in the grocery store. Hooray! Time to celebrate with an impressive-looking-but-super-easy gluten free fruit pizza.
Gluten Free Fruit Pizza
I wanted to impress you with a pretty fruity pattern on the pizza, but I do have a few words to the wise about the whole fruit pizza business…
Gluten Free Fruit Pizza, Step by Step
Here goes: Be careful not to underbake the sugar cookie crust or it will be flimsy and may crack as you handle it, but keep in mind that it does bake quickly. If you want the cleanest slice, chill the filled and decorated pizza before serving and serve chilled. If you simply can’t abide a slightly fallen strawberry or crushed blueberry, bake and fill the crust, then decorate with fruit after slicing. And finally, don’t overdo it on the fruit decorations. If you crowd the filling with too much fruit, slicing becomes much more difficult and the effect is ruined. Ruined, I tell you. Plus, you’ll want to decorate with slicing in mind, leaving room for your pizza wheel to do its work.
Gluten Free Fruit Pizza
I went all the way, baby, and served this to my family after a Friday night meal of actual cheesy gluten free pizza. Happily, the irony was not lost on them. Spring is full of surprises, isn’t it?