Create a new meatless family favorite with Quinoa Sloppy Joe’s!  Packed full of protein with a flavor everyone loves, quinoa is also naturally gluten free.  Make this a new meatless meal for the Lenten season or any day.

Gluten Free Sloppy Joe's with Quinoa Meatless (Vegan) recipe- A classic family meal without meat but made with protein packed quinoa! An easy meatless meal!
The Easter season has arrived and so have all the brightly colored baskets and easter bunnies.  Kids love this time of year for egg hunts and treats but Easter is more than that, it’s one of the holiest seasons.  Do you guys celebrate Easter?  And by celebrate,  I mean participate in the full Lent season?  Our family does.
We love hunting for the plastic eggs and look forward to finding baskets left from the bunny but we also try and follow the traditional sacrifices.  Not eating meat or going meatless on Fridays is probably the main one.  It’s only one day and it brings the Lent season into our thoughts and actions on a weekly basis.  I think this is a great time to teach the kids about what a sacrifice is and provides a great life lesson about self discipline.  I know my sons are only 6 (soon to be 7) and 3, but I want them to learn early that life isn’t always easy and for some it can be a struggle.  My son’s school actively participates in taking collections for local food pantries, women’s shelters and accepting donations for the less fortunate.  It’s one thing give to others but as a child I think it sends a stronger message when they themselves are asked to sacrifice something.  Lent is a great time to teach that.
Gluten Free Sloppy Joe's with Quinoa Meatless (Vegan) recipe- A classic family meal without meat but made with protein packed quinoa! An easy meatless meal!
As head of the kitchen, it’s my job to chose whether or not to continue the tradition of sacrificing meat each Friday.  We cannot eat fish, which is the traditional substitute for meat.   This year has been the best meatless Fridays in years, thanks to Pick ‘n Save.  Sacrificing meat for Lent in the past has been difficult since we don’t have an arsenal of protein sources to chose from.   Ideally, I don’t want to take away more protein from our diets.  The kiddos already miss out on tons of minerals and vitamins from allergies to fish, nuts and soy.  The only solution was to find a safe plant source.

Gluten Free Sloppy Joe's with Quinoa Meatless (Vegan) recipe- A classic family meal without meat but made with protein packed quinoa! An easy meatless meal!
But before we talk about quinoa sloppy joe’s, there’s something a little silly that I don’t understand and have to mention…
Traditional states: you’re not supposed to eat meat on Fridays but fish is OK.
I might be wrong but…
Quinoa isn’t anything new and it’s been the latest health craze for years.  It is new to us though.  It was on my list of things to avoid for almost 2 years.  I’m beyond thrilled that Mr. Naughty can finally eat quinoa.  It’s another protein source that’s super easy to cook and I actually make huge batches and freeze to grab when I need.  I’ve been dreaming up ways to use it as much as possible, like to adding a little more protein to pancakes, fried rice and even oatmeal for breakfast.

Gluten Free Sloppy Joe's with Quinoa Meatless (Vegan) recipe- A classic family meal without meat but made with protein packed quinoa! An easy meatless meal!
I have to be be honest regarding Lent, in the past we haven’t always gone meatless each Friday.  But for good reasons… I’ve mentioned it before but I have to again; my husband is allergic to chicken.
That’s a real allergy….Creating ONE dinner everyone can safely eat can be very challenging.

Sloppy Joe's with Quinoa Meatless (gluten free Vegan)- A classic family meal without meat but made with protein packed quinoa! An easy meatless meal!
Add my other children’s allergies like soy and fish and essentially we lost the most common proteins staples.  For many families, it can be a struggle to convince kids to eat nutritious foods (vegetables) outside of chicken nuggets and pizza.  The quinoa is no different.  It has a mild taste that blends well with just about anything, but nothing that excites the kids (or my husband for that matter.)  One thing they all love and do get excited for are: Sloppy Joe’s.  And now believe it or not, Quinoa Sloppy Joe’s!
Sloppy Joe's with Quinoa Meatless (gluten free Vegan)- A classic family meal without meat but made with protein packed quinoa! An easy meatless meal!
Imagine my delight when they accepted these healthier quinoa sloppy joe’s that don’t sacrifice flavor.  And it’s so easy!  Just cook the quinoa and toss the rest of the ingredients together.  Another thing I love about these quinoa sloppy joe’s,  is how quinoa is packed full of protein- 6 grams in 1/4 cup or 24 grams of protein in 1 cup (uncooked).
You won’t miss the real meal in here!

Sloppy Joe's with Quinoa (gluten free Vegan) Author: Laura @ Petite Allergy Treats
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups water or broth
  • ¾ cup ketcup
  • 3 T gluten free soy sauce (I used my GF soy-free sauce)
  • ½ onion
  • 2 T oil
  • ½ tsp onion powder
  • 2 fresh garlic cloves minced
  • 1 tsp molasses
  • 1 tsp white vinegar
  • !Gluten Free Buns
  1. Wash quinoa thoroughly in a mesh strainer.  Cook according to directions on package with 2 cups of water.
  2. Dice onion and sauté with oil in a another pan on medium high heat until onions become soft.
  3. Add remaining ingredients to onions including cooked quinoa.  Mix until incorporated.
  4. Serve with your favorite gluten free bun. (I used my
  5. soft gluten free hamburger buns.)
This could easily be thrown into the crock pot to keep warm at a party.  The longer the quinoa and sauce are allow to sit, the better.  Cook the quinoa ahead of time and place in the freezer until needed for another time saver.


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