Apple Pancakes With Oats – Healthy & Easy Breakfast Recipe

Apple pancakes with oats - flourless and refined sugar-free! This is an easy and healthy breakfast that tastes amazing! Try it! |

Now these pancakes, they’re the best.
Considering I hated apples for the longest time, and that I’ve said this for probably every pancake recipe I’ve ever made – this is a very bold statement. And yet here I am.
I actually made these a really long time ago, like beginning of summer, but with summer and all the fresh produce I made so many other recipes, that I just let this one wait for its season…
and now bam, here it is.

Apple pancakes with oats - flourless and refined sugar-free! This is an easy and healthy breakfast that tastes amazing! Try it! |

Just like fall is. No joke, 2 days ago I went to the beach for probably the last time this year and the weather, the water was perfect. I was swimming, I was happy and didn’t have a single care! I’m one of those people who love being in the water. Loves it. If my skin doesn’t get as wrinkly as a newborn Benjamin Button and my lips don’t turn as blue as an avatar, why did I even go to the beach in the first place? Not enough time in the water.
So now it’s like really cold. My lips can turn blue even without going into water. I’m a little nostalgic that summer is gone, but also excited for the change and for more of these delicious healthy pancakes with apples and oats!


As always, these pancakes are flourless and you’ll need to grind oats to get the benefits of all their cholesterol-lowering fiber and unique antioxidants called avenanthramides.
Then you add an egg, apple, coconut oil, honey, baking soda and spices – pulse everything in your food processor and add some chopped walnuts to the batter in the end.
Then you make the pancakes in an oiled pan, flip when they’re golden brown on one side and take out when they’re brown on the other side as well. I made smaller pancakes because I wanted to feel taller, but also because I’m worried they might fall apart if they’re bigger – this happens to me with every single bigger pancake I make, so I stick to small(er) pancakes.
Top with fruit, honey, extra nuts and enjoy! I only had frozen berries at home, so this is what I used.
Other than that I would imagine that whipped coconut cream would go really really well here. But hey, that’s just me food dreaming right now.
Apple pancakes with oats - flourless and refined sugar-free! This is an easy and healthy breakfast that tastes amazing! Try it! | www.beautybites.orgApple pancakes with oats - flourless and refined sugar-free! This is an easy and healthy breakfast that tastes amazing! Try it! | www.beautybites.orgApple pancakes with oats - flourless and refined sugar-free! This is an easy and healthy breakfast that tastes amazing! Try it! | www.beautybites.orgApple pancakes with oats - flourless and refined sugar-free! This is an easy and healthy breakfast that tastes amazing! Try it! | www.beautybites.orgApple pancakes with oats - flourless and refined sugar-free! This is an easy and healthy breakfast that tastes amazing! Try it! | www.beautybites.orgApple pancakes with oats - flourless and refined sugar-free! This is an easy and healthy breakfast that tastes amazing! Try it! |

Apple Pancakes With Oats – Healthy & Easy Breakfast Recipe
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
These healthy pancakes with apples, oats and honey are a delicious and nourishing breakfast that everyone will love!

  • 1 egg
  • 1 apple
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 1/2 cup oats, ground
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/3 tsp nutmeg (very little)
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 2-3 walnut halves, chopped
    For cooking:
  • coconut oil
  • chopped walnuts
  • honey
  • fruit of your choice
  • whipped coconut cream (my food dream option)
  1. Slice the apple and pulse it with the rest of the wet ingredients (eggs, honey, melted coconut oil) in a food processor until smooth. (You can probably also use apple sauce, around 1/3 cup - if it's 100% apples).
  2. Add in all dry ingredients, except the walnuts - ground oats, spices, baking soda. Pulse again until combined. Mix in the walnuts.
  3. Cover the surface of a nonstick pan with coconut oil. At medium to medium-high heat, using a spoon, pour the mixture forming palm-sized pancakes (I used a small pan, made 3-4 pancakes per batch).
  4. Cook until bubbles come up on the surface and the mixture is not liquid (about a minute), then flip and cook for 30s-1min. Put on a plate and repeat for another batch.
  5. Top with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

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