Fancy Grilled Cheese on Coconut Flour Flatbread – Gluten Free!

When I was in college, I babysat for the two cutest kids on the planet, Daniel and Elizabeth. Daniel was five, and Elizabeth was six. One afternoon, Elizabeth and I were girl-talking at the kitchen table while Daniel ran around the kitchen and living room in circles. She told me a story about how one day, her mom was making them grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, and she was very worried because she had always thought they were called “girl cheese sandwiches.” Since Daniel was a boy, she worried that he really shouldn’t eat it! Luckily, she expressed her fears, and her mom explained. Phew!
I’ve always loved grilled cheese—and in the past, when I ate grains, I would sometimes make fancy grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner with a variety of cheeses and ingredients, then cut them in small triangles so everyone could try all the different types. People always laughed at me for doing that, until they started sampling the sandwiches! For the past few months, I’ve been trying to come up with sandwich alternatives (sans bread), and I won’t lie–lettuce wraps only fill the craving once in a while!
This morning, I was feeling inspired and decided to experiment—and intended to just keep it simple to see what would happen. Worst case scenario, I’d throw it out…and I won’t say that’s never happened before (i.e. it may have happened on Monday).

Coconut Flour Flatbread

In a bowl, I mixed the following together:
1 large egg
1 Tbsp coconut flour
1 Tbsp parmesan cheese (optional)
1/8 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp baking powder
2 pinches of sea salt or any herbs you want!*
2 Tbsp any kind of milk**

*you can add fresh herbs too–it’s really good! I often add several dashes of pizza seasoning–it tastes amazing and is really easy! (updated)
**I generally use half and half or heavy cream as the liquid—the bread is fluffiest this way! I also leave out the baking soda and baking powder when I use these liquids (updated)
Stir until there are no lumps. Let it sit for a minute (the batter will get a little fluffier). Melt a tablespoon or two of butter (Ideally, pastured, organic, local!) in the pan, and pour two small sandwich sized “pancakes” into your pan (on just under medium heat). It will only spread just a little bit. When the tops start to bubble just a little and the bottom is brown, flip them both over. Put the cheese and other sandwich contents on one slice, and then put the second flatbread on top with the un-done side up. I recommend buttering the top piece while you wait to flip it. Flip when the bottom is brown, and continue cooking till the cheese is melted and the flatbread is done! This recipe makes 2 sandwich flatbreads. You can double (or more) the recipe. The extras will keep in the fridge for a day or so (you can toast them or heat them back up in the pan… or eat them cold!).
This flatbread is not crunchy like regular bread when made into grilled cheese. It has a great flavor and wonderful bread-y texture. It gets more and more crispy as you add more butter (so I recommend being liberal with it!).
This morning, I made plain grilled cheese, and then for dinner (because I wanted to test the recipe again before I posted it) I made grilled mozzarella and pesto!! Both were great, and I already have a few more combinations brewing in my head (roasted red peppers….swiss cheese…pizza….).
 Grilled Cheese on Flatbread—the pieces don’t exactly match up, but it doesn’t matter!

I used Kerrygold Dubliner Cheese this morning….I recommend any strong flavored cheese—the bread itself is not salty, so just make sure your contents are flavorful and using salted butter helps too!

Here’s what the batter looks like when mixed…smooth and pourable, but not too runny.


Mozzarella and Pesto!


Ham and Cheese!

I also use this bread as hamburger buns, bruschetta toasts, for breakfast sandwiches, and for regular sandwiches!
I hope you try this sandwich—and if you do, let me know!
I love cheese!

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